Car prices are up, gas prices are up and insurance rates are up. So let’s try to put our heads together to see what we can do to save in the insurance category. First off, realize that there are hundreds of insurance companies to choose from. Why not use them against each other? This research will take a while, but it should pay off in the long run. In researching, make sure to consider all the perks the each company has to offer and weigh your needs. When you call one company, quote the rate of the previous company just in case they are in the position to drop their rates. See if they will discount those extra perks that would win you over. Makes sure you request a breakdown on charges to see how much each items is costing you. You may be able to drop unnecessary items to lower your overall costs. Make sure you check the renewal each year to make sure no additional items are added. If you can afford it, try to pay your insurance annually in one lump sum. Insurance companies add service charges for installment plans. Other ways to save on insurance costs:
o Drive safely. Accidents are what drive up insurance costs to us all. Being accident free increases your discount
o Obey the law: Moving violations, especially speeding tickets and running red lights/stop signs add dollars to your insurance premiums
o Research your automobile purchase before hand. Some automobiles are more to insure, i.e. off-road vehicles, high-theft vehicles, modified vehicles, etc.
o Gather names and information of any affiliations you belong to; for example, credit unions, AAA, alumni associates, business affiliations. Several insurance companies give additional discounts for these.
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